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gvmontel | 06:14 Fri 06th Aug 2004 | Arts & Literature
4 Answers
could it be filch?


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I don't think so. Because he's a squib. But right now, it could be alomost anyone, except Harry Potter or Voldemort.
What does "hbp" mean? What does "filch" mean? Because who is a squib? What could be almost anyone? Have I slipped into a parallel universe? Am I supposed to understand the question or the first answer? You've got me curious now.
NOOO! Don't ask them! They'll start mentioning Harry Potter over and over again, and then other people will search forHarry Potter on google and we'll be besieged by people who should be thinking about something else. (Note: I respect your right to think up Harry Potter conspiracy throies all day every day, of course. It's just a bit ... boring.)
No, because he is a full-blood wizard even though he is a squib.

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