The author of Hollywood Vs. America and Saving Childhood, Michael Medved, takes an extensive look at the effect of 'lurid Hollywood visions that penetrate every society on earth' and thus have a considerable impact upon how America is perceived in the rest of the world. Medved notes the complex array of responses to American symbols: from the burning of movie theatres showing Hollywood films by rioters in Pakistan to Chinese pro-democracy reformers using the Statue of Liberty as a symbol of their movement. However, Medved's primary concern is that Hollywood offers images of America that exaggerate its violence and affluence while underplaying its religious commitment, thus providing a misleading view to those with no direct experience of the US. As a consequence, he suggests this potentially fosters anti-Americanism. That's the abridged views of Andrew Neal published on the AMATAS* website
* Americanisation and the Teaching of American Studies