If u can get the do not disturb sign off the dorr u do this..... I got this off another site as I can never get into the door!
found this from another site. On the site that I found this from they tell you to go to the extra page (the coffee cup) and wait for peeves to come and he will blow out a business card that says Gobb Lynn (get it goblin!!) and it gives you a 6 digit number (30 27 23) Well of course there aren't any numbers on the dartboard like these, but wait you do need them. Remember from Book 1 when Harry went with Hagrid to Gringotts. All you need to know is the vault that contained the sorcerer's stone which is 713. So all you have to do is using the three darts hit the black and biege spaces closest to the numbers 713 in that order. If i haven't been clear in the order of 7, 1, and 3. and then the dartboard will open up to show a safe that requires you to punch in a 6 digit code, which peeves graciously showed you on the extra page or 302723. and then it should open and there will be a piece of paper click on it and you will see the big surprise. unfortunately is does not tell us the release date for the book but an excerpt from the book. Which just makes you want more. But don't thank me i found this off of another site,