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the website (harry potter) the mystery door and website

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RHCP rule | 23:22 Fri 20th Aug 2004 | Arts & Literature
70 Answers
RIGHT, now i have become obsessed with this site, i hadn't even been on it before this site. would you be able to answer me this, brenna_806 i have found the extra bonus things only 3 out of the four (where is the spider???) would you be able to tell me what im supposed to do at the door i cant find another switch, i can only see the light switch and when i open the door handle ther is just darkness, also i have found that the mobile phone works - what number do u have 2 ring? pls pls reply asap thanks


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Thanks guys for all the help with the secret door. But i am STILL so stumbled on the four things to collect for the "potion" i have also found three. The spider is no where to be found. If anyone has seen it, please help.
when you throw the darts do it in this order: 713. this is also the vault number hagrid and harry went to at gringotts bank in the first book.
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the spider is on the first page, on her desk, it will stop by the notebook, keep clicking it and u'll get it!!! its definately there i dont know what the secret potion does though
HOW DO U OPEN THE DOOR???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok...the answer to the question "Where do you get 62442?" Very was the code used to get into the Ministry of Magic in OP via the telephone booth. FYI if you look on you own telephone, these numbers spell MAGIC. Cheers!
The spider crawls aross the front page after a while! You type the letters for magic into the cell phone which is also the number for the minisrtry for magic = 62442
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If u can get the do not disturb sign off the dorr u do this..... I got this off another site as I can never get into the door! found this from another site. On the site that I found this from they tell you to go to the extra page (the coffee cup) and wait for peeves to come and he will blow out a business card that says Gobb Lynn (get it goblin!!) and it gives you a 6 digit number (30 27 23) Well of course there aren't any numbers on the dartboard like these, but wait you do need them. Remember from Book 1 when Harry went with Hagrid to Gringotts. All you need to know is the vault that contained the sorcerer's stone which is 713. So all you have to do is using the three darts hit the black and biege spaces closest to the numbers 713 in that order. If i haven't been clear in the order of 7, 1, and 3. and then the dartboard will open up to show a safe that requires you to punch in a 6 digit code, which peeves graciously showed you on the extra page or 302723. and then it should open and there will be a piece of paper click on it and you will see the big surprise. unfortunately is does not tell us the release date for the book but an excerpt from the book. Which just makes you want more. But don't thank me i found this off of another site,
I've gotton the beaker, the spider and the leaves, but where can I get the feather? I've clicked repeatedly on the feathers that appear when the owls drop the FAQ's to no avail.
I have the same problem...can't get the the other three...anyone know where I'm going wrong?
Have just found the feather-its in the trophy room that the Fan-Sites lead to....
what is with the do not disturb sign? do i have 2 collect the items to open it? or is she upadting it?
hi all, ive got 3 out of the 4 things, the spider, the fearher & the potion but where do i get the the leaves from? thanx
The leaves are on the bulletin board top left.
Got all the potions mixture, Done the Phone number and doen the medals and the hidden key for the box? But how do you get the door open. Is it just random? Do you have to wait for the do not disturb sign to go, like you have to wait for peeves to reveal Gobb Lynn? I want to get past that door so any tips are gratefully recieved. Cheers. Ran
In answer to my question see the post entitled: JK rowling site: How often does the door open.
please will someone help me cos i dont know where the spider is and its driving me crazy!!
Where is the potion?

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the website (harry potter) the mystery door and website

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