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Investagative Journalism

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admarlow | 22:13 Tue 22nd Jul 2008 | Arts & Literature
4 Answers
Which magazine is best for this?


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It depends upon the issue being investigated.

For political intrigues, look to Private Eye or (if you're prepared to watch out for political bias), the Spectator.

For social issues (e.g. housing, policing, etc), the Big Issue often digs deep below the surface. (Occasionally, for London-specific issues, Time Out carries some good investigative journalism as, of course, does the Evening Standard).

For IT related matters (e.g. the scandal of the computerisation of NHS records), Computer Weekly has won awards for its investigative journalism.

Consumer issues are often best covered by the supplements of the Sunday 'heavyweights' (although the editors of these magazines seem to have 'dumbed down' much of their content over the past decade or so).

Get a copy of the Writers and Artists Year Book. It contains all you need to know, including how and where to submit your work. It's a mine of information for a new writer, as well as being an excellent tool for established writers. You can get it at any good bookshop, or on the internet from Amazon.
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Best mag == New Yorker
best such journalist Seymour Hersch

In UK, John Pilger

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Investagative Journalism

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