My husband is experiencing a tickling "spidery" sensation - no rash or markings - on his upper back and back of thighs.Finds it very hard to get a comfortable position when sitting and is now constantly shifting and twitching when he feels the sensation.Finds car journeys extremely difficult. His GP has referred him to a Neurologist which he is on a waiting list for....meanwhile he is getting worse - now experiencing the sensation when lying down which was not the case initially. Can anyone help? Thanks.
Does he have any numbness in these areas ? Could be neuropathy, a disturbance of the impulses of the nerves travelling from skin to the brain. Not serious and quite common.
Is he taking any statins to lower cholesterol? That kind of itching can be a side effect of some statins. Just a suggestion as I suffered with it myself a while ago as a result of taking statins and it drove me crazy.