Am I right that Financial Fraud 2. is the only uncertainty? Are we completely happy with Riceyman Steps for Shops 1? Fantastic work on Black Beauty. By the way, for those of you who enjoy this sort of thing (like me) Wikipedia has a great list of eponymous heroes in literature (even though Black Beauty doesn't figure).
Still can't get the elusive Victorian swindler's daughter (Fraud 2.) but am hovering around sensation novels like Lady Audley's Secret, East Lynne, something by Wilkie Collins. Does any of these help?
Shops 1. Not sure Rosemary and Gordon actually lived together above the bookshop. I thought only he did. Could have been Gordon and his aspidistra?? Anyone more familiar with the plot? I am still curently favouring Riceyman Steps.
What's happened to whiskypriest and raythegrey this year? Perhaps they can solve these final tricky questions!
Fraud 2 : Could it be 'Maud' by Alfred Lord Tennyson? The narrator's father and his family have been ruined by the old lord of the hall, he falls in love with Maud, the old lord's daaughter, there is an assignation in a garden, Maud's brother dies. It has also been reprised recently on radio 4. Whatchthink?
Hooray Flapwing! I've only had a quick look so far, but it sounds pretty good to me. I'm just so glad to hear a suggestion, I was startling to lose the will to live with this one...
Incredibly every time I the read question that old song 'come into the garden Maud' kept getting into my head. Hadn't realised there was more to Maud than just this section and dismissed it!
All Fraud 2. I think I may have it. If we assume that they are being tricky and by fatal they mean fateful rather than the more ominous meaning, then a fatal assignation in a garden sounds very like the end of Great Expectations. This ties up with the daughter of a Victorian swindler as we know that Estella's real father is Magwitch....what do you think?
I have now read the whole thing (Maud) and I'm sure it's right.
So - Have we finished or is there still a question mark over Shops 1If it's done I admit to feeling quite bereft!!
Yes, Flapwing, I agree with you. I was also wondering about 'Maud' but hadn't read the entire poem. Fantastic! I'm pretty sure we've done now but will watch this space for a bit longer in case anyone comes up with a more persuasive answer to Shops 1. Meanwhile, good luck and we'll reconvene next year!
Well I think Titus Andronicus is tricked into cutting off his hand in exchange for his sons who are already dead... With regard to Maud - are they looking for the name of the Victorian swindler or the daughter? What is the name of her father?
Titus Andronicus is right I think. He certainly is a grizzled war hero, and is tricked by his enemies into letting his hand be cut off.
Well done flapwing on "Maud" - saved me from trawling through any more Wilkie Collins plots!
I seem to be missing War 1 though - the meek hero.