Are you talking Aberdeen? I went there, but it's eighteen debauched years since I left, so my memories of the interview are fogged in the mists of time. As I remember, enthusiasm and dedication go a long way, obviously they're looking at your work for talent (although, if your at the interview stage, they'll have sussed that already), and they're keen to see diversity of media, subject matter, presentation and ideas. I don't remember it being particularly formal, more of a look at your portfolio, chatting about art and art history (nothing heavy), and where you'd like to go. As much as anything they'll be assessing you as a person, who's going to stick out the course, and put the effort in. Maybe some young whipper-snapper can give you a more up to date insight, but I hope this helps. It's a lovely place, beautifull setting on the banks of the Dee, and the Caledon does a decent pint.