Do you think this book would be appropriate for a 9-10 year old. My daughter has just started doing WW2 in school and she loves reading, I read this book years ago and although I remember the content, I can't be sure if it's ok for her age.
Really, only you know how mature your daughter is and if she could handle the emotion in this one (it's heartbreaking as you know) but I think it's suitable for young teens definitely
Thanks for your answers, think I will buy it, reread it and then see. Although she is quite mature, she is very sensitive and I can't remember how much of the horror was written about, I know they have to learn about these things, but it's getting it right about when to explain............the reality of human nature!
This was a set text book for me in 1963 when I was 12,
and as you know, girlies are much more mature than boys at that age, so I would let your daughter read it.
Also the Pianist by Ladislaw Szymanowitz (I think)
If she wants to know how France was at the fall 1940
Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirowski
My father was captured at Dunkirk and Irene N seems to perfectly catch the sense of complete and utter chaos which was obvious to him in the French population (and also the British Army)