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Escher-style painting of hidden deer in forest

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Laza10 | 10:10 Wed 09th Mar 2005 | Arts & Literature
5 Answers
Anyone know who painted a painting of a little deer in a forest where if you look carefully the background trees are also in the shape of a deer? I want to get it on a poster.


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I think this was Mondrian. Not sure I've spelt that right. Also painter 'C'est ne pa une pipe' if that helps the search.
Not sure about the deer print, but Rene Magritte painted c'est ne pas une pipe.
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Havinbg done a lot of internet surfing I have discovered that the painter is Donald Rust and the painting is called 'Deer'. if anyone knows where I can get a copy of this on poster please let me know!! Thanks for your help by the way :-)
yep Magritte, thats the one. I was having a bad day the other day! sorry!
Can't tell you where to get a poster - but if anyone wants to see the painting it's on

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Escher-style painting of hidden deer in forest

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