For Starbuckone:
ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) is what you're probably using to connect to the internet.
ATM (Automated Teller Machine) is probably where you get your cash from. (Although, for me, it means the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, which I belonged to for many years).
BTW, when used on sites like this one means 'by the way'
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is what theoretically protects us from invasion.
CD-ROM (Compact Disc, Read-Only Memory) is what your computer's software probably came on.
DNS (Domain Name System) is what, via a DNS server, translates the URL you type into your address bar into the 'proper' (numeric') address of the site you want to view. For example, the 'real' address of Amazon's UK website is (Type it into your browser's address bar if you don't believe me!). The Domain Name System is used to convert '' to that address, so that you don't have to remember lots of numbers.
Scuba is 'self-contained underwater breathing apparatus'.
SSR is a new one to me! 'Solid state recorder' is just one of many possibilities:
LOL = Laugh(s) out loud