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Do You Have A Book In You?

The saying goes: "Everyone has at least one book in them" - do you believe you have a book in you?

Can we all be writers? If you do think you have book in  you, what kind of book is it? Autobiography, fiction, non-fiction?

Results ★

I certainly do, a great work of fiction nonetheless!
I believe so, but as a non-fiction work.
Yes, an Autobiography or Family-History
Nope, no book in me!

do you believe you have a book in you?

Total: 23
A.I certainly do, a great work of fiction nonetheless!34.78 %8
B.I believe so, but as a non-fiction work.26.09 %6
C.Yes, an Autobiography or Family-History21.74 %5
D.Nope, no book in me!17.39 %4
Stats until: 01:20 Sun 22nd Dec 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)