News1 min ago
I have just used this and I don't like the colour. How soon can I put another colour on? I am going on holiday next week and I really wanted
my hair to look better than the grey I am. Help !...
Can anyone recommend a good one? I bought a Toni & Guy touch control one approx 10 months ago and its just packed in, and I cant find the receipt to take it back :-(...
I treated myself to a nice bottle of chanel chance with my birthday money and can hardly smell it Mr Fruit brought a £1.50 brute deodorant and I can smell it on him for best part of the day...
I found abottle of liquid in the mother-in-laws bathroom cupboard, [no label as such]. on the bottom of the bottle it has a list of ingredients; which are; dehydol is2; eutanol g; isoprpyl; myrastate;...
I have just bought a gel polish starter kit from Boots with the uv lamp included. You get two gel polishes with it, I am just wondering if I would be able to use other gel polishes to get the same...
I have had a spot for almost 2 years now. Its on my chin and has never healed. I have tried picking it and nothing comes out, I have been to the doctors and had numerous creams which non have worked....
Is gel nail varnish very different for other nail varnish? I thought I would buy some but I think I heard it is difficult to remove. Any help would be appreciated.
I've just bought a lovely deep plum...and I know I'll make a mess when I do my right hand. Any tips...please?
What's new out there? Any nice one's you would recommend? I need to take a trip to Boots & have a smell of some samples....
I know you can get womens ones of these but are there any for men, friends hubby starting new job in food prep factory and they aren't allowed to wear the smelly stuff, I have told her that if all...
If a chap had a 3 or 4 day growth of beard could it be waxed rather than shaved?
I'm growing a goatee, itch scratch, for Mowvember. itch scratch, how can I stop it itching & me scratching it? :-(...
Do any of you ladies out there use a skin primer? I never did but from reading reviews think I would benefit. Just wondered if you have found a good one as I would welcome any advice.
I'm asking because I plan to audition for a character who is a big older than me. I'm seventeen, five foot two, fair skin, bluey grayey eyes, a round face, long straight brown with a slightly red tint...
Im loving orly at the moment :-)
Hi everyone not sure if this is the right place to put this but as theres no section dedicated to fashion/clothes/shoes I thought I'd put it here. I'm getting married next year and wearing a dress!As...
Following on from pincurlpolkadot's thread about favourite nail varnish ......... I love the glitter nail varnishes which are around at the moment but they take so long to remove, can anyone recommend...
Is there something you can buy that heats up to make hair wavy/curly that's also easy to use
I'm posting this on behalf of a colleague because I found it hilarious! Does anyone know how to remove latex fake wounds? She's tried steaming it off, make up remover, turps, you name it! It's not...
Hi, can anyone recommend a face product that would prevent and treat windburn? I started my new job on Monday as a Landscape Gardener and my face is so very very sore and red. Looks like I've got a...