News1 min ago
Too Much?
How much is too much? What do the ladies / men on here think of her look? As a woman, how much makeup do you wear?
Best Answer
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Yes I was interested when mineral makeup first came out, but it makes my skin itchy, so don't really bother with foundation anymore. I did buy some of this though which feels really light & quite sheer .. https:/ /uk.ima ges.sea rch.yah images/ view;_y lt=Az_6 xdcLUrx TIzwArM FNBQx.; _ylu=X3 oDMTIzO GJndHM3 BHNlYwN zcgRzbG sDaW1nB G9pZAM3 ZDE1MzF jZGYxMz E4NDM4M jBlZmY2 OTAzOWY xYzYyMQ RncG9zA zIyBGl0 A2Jpbmc -?back= http%3A %2F%2Fu k.image s.searc .com%2F search% 2Fimage s%3Fp%3 Dolay%2 Bregene rist%2B cc%2Bco mplexio n%2Bcor rector% 26fr%3D linkury -tb%26f r2%3Dpi v-web%2 6tab%3D organic %26ri%3 D22& ;w=265& amp;h=2 65& imgurl= media.o %2Fen-G B%2FIma ges%2FR egeneri st%2Fcc cream26 5.png&a mp;rurl =http%3 A%2F%2F www.ola %2Fskin -care-p roducts %2Fanti -aging- product s%2Fsp1 5-anti- ageing- skin-cr eam-med ium%3Fp id%3D40 1560056 8559&am p;size= 57.6KB& amp;nam e=%3Cb% 3Eregen erist+c c+%3C%2 Fb%3Ecr eam+med ium+the +%3Cb%3 Eregene rist+co mplexio n+corre ctor+%3 C%2Fb%3 Eblends +...&am p;p=ola y+regen erist+c c+compl exion+c orrecto r&o id=7d15 31cdf13 1843820 eff6903 9f1c621 &fr 2=piv-w eb& fr=link ury-tb& amp;tt= %3Cb%3E regener ist+cc+ %3C%2Fb %3Ecrea m+mediu m+the+% 3Cb%3Er egeneri st+comp lexion+ correct or+%3C% 2Fb%3Eb lends+. ..& b=0& ;ni=21& amp;no= 22& ts=& ;tab=or ganic&a mp;sigr =13hlt2 lti& ;sigb=1 457c6dg t&s igi=11l rdk5vn& amp;sig t=12ngf 96vp&am p;sign= 12ngf96 vp& .crumb= Fxt07pE n3c8&am p;fr=li nkury-t b&f r2=piv- web
Now these are oversized 'brows