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Do I Message The Group?

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abbeylee90 | 16:33 Sun 15th Dec 2024 | Family & Relationships
26 Answers

This friend I was on about that didn't invite me to her wedding and hen I went to. Do I message them and ask if they want to do something before chrsitmas?



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No. Keep your distance and wait for the friend to make the next move.

How on earth would we know, that's entirely up to you

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I've explained about her in another thread.

Your own decision but, due to recent unpleasantness, maybe better not to suggest a Xmas outing



She's married now so likely not going out so much with mates.  You gave other friends, don't you?

Have not 'gave'.

No, don't message them, let them get in touch first 

Personally I wouldn't.


Abbey, does it have to be messaging 'the group', can't you just get in touch with friends individually (ie friends that DO bother with you)?

Oh, and it's maybe getting  a bit late now to do things 'before Christmas' - there's not a lot of time left!

Did all the other friends in the group chat get invited to this girls wedding ? 

If you are only one who wasn't invited then I would message the friends you want to meet up with privately 1-1 and see if they answer with suggestions for a meet up.

Simple answer..........No!

There, made a decision for you! Solves your dilemma.

Stop winding people up!

It's a 'No' from me as well.

The fact she didn't invite you to her wedding speaks volumes to me. Shes obviously unfriending you for reasons non of us on here could even vaguely guess. 

I would stear clear and if she contacts you then thats up to her. 

No, the poor woman may be in the middle of trying to get pregnant and your communications will be a distraction leading to unneccessary friction causing irritation, chafing even.

You have just been advised by most who have answered to not invite this "friend". If you want to attange a night out with your other friends do so. Leave the married one out. 
Make your decision quickly you only have 14 days to arrange something

It depends how many are in the group. If it's 3 I'd just contact individually the 2 you want to ask. If there's 10 or more I'd just send it to everyone, and the ball's in her court then. If everyone says yes you'll have enough others on your night out for you to chat to. And it might break the ice and you'll become besties again.

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Na Yes I have more friends.

I've taken your advice and I'm not going to invite.

Excellent, let coitus uninterruptus commence!

It's not  clear whether you are asking about messaging your other friends, or just this girl, or an existing whatsapp group covering your friends and this married girl.


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The live WhatsApp group.

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Do I Message The Group?

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