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The Latest Bright Idea...sanctions....right Oh!

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ToraToraTora | 08:56 Thu 09th Jan 2025 | News
21 Answers

Talk about peeing into the wind, how are they going to get "sanctions" to make any difference?



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It's known as being seen to be doing something.

See also Rwanda.

It illustrates exactly that they dont have a clue about anything.

Do they really think these fone upstanding citizens have Bank accounts and homes in places where they could be sanctioned?


But Rwanda was real and was having an effect - ask the Irish.

In opposition they had all the answers, it was all costed and they knew where the money was coming from to do it all.  In office they haven't got a clue.  

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sanctions wont have any effect, they deal in cash at point of sale and the money will be in an untraceable account after that.

If they could stop them buying the boats and engines that would help.

It will go straight to Crypto TTT, same as the sanctions against Russians and others.  Totally untraceable.

But you expect this lot to have a clue about anything financial?

New sanctions will target the finances of people smuggling networks in order to disrupt the flow of money and make it harder for ringleaders to profit from the deadly trade. 



Aye, this approach worked well with the drug trade, going by the houses they live in, and the cars they drive.

This is how he's going to "smash the gangs" he repeatedly assured us would happen is it?


Labour are a joke.

I'd say muppets - but I think the Muppets would do a better job!

🤣The Jokes on you🤣  Tee hee hee 🤣

Would have thought the bad guys would just change banks to one not applying restrictions.

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I've never known a government so financially clueless. These gangs will run rings round them.

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they'll use crypto OG.

Perhaps the government ought to employ the drug-dealing people-smugglers as financial advisors? After all, they manage to generate huge-amounts of cash whatever the financial conditions are like elsewhere...

//Would have thought the bad guys would just change banks to one not applying restrictions.//

As I said above - its in crypto.  No need to change anything.

Our Government are clueless morons.

Rwanda was real and the illegals would be put to work on the unicorn farms. 🙄

The fact that Gulliver believes the whole thing is a joke just shows his mentality.

No need to make things up Douglas.

OK, wasnt the best implementation but they were hamstrung by the ECHR and the current shower no in Government.

It was begining to take effect as the Irish will tell you.

One day somebody in government will understand that the only way to stop people arriving in small boats is to stop them arriving by small boats.

Doing anything else, such as "smashing the gangs" or - especially - wondering what to do with them after they have arrived will not stop them arriving. 

The last lot of charlatans didn't understand this and the current lot of clueless wonders certainly don't (and wouldn't countenance it even if they did). 

I notice from the link that a subtle change has taken place:

"For years, the government has talked about people crossing the Channel as illegal migrants, even though there is a dispute between UK and international law about whether these people are actually breaking the law.

Now the Foreign Office is using the term "irregular migration". Is this a change of tone, or just a stylistic whim? Just as with the sanctions, we will wait and see."

This government has no intention of properly tackling "irregular migration". However, if you think you might get away with being an "irregular migrant", try arriving at Gatwick or Heathrow without a passport ands see how you get on.

This government grows pottier by the day.  

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