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blonde brunette or redhead?

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badboy78 | 17:51 Wed 27th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
which hair colour is sexiest? ive recently come round to the idea blonde is........


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Mahogany (very bad sp)
I only go for men with dark hair and dark eyes.
well i'm a blonde so I would say blondes but then on a guy I love sexy dark brown hair.
Oh I thought we were talking about our own hair colours.... my mistake!
I have dark hair (Iced Chocolate according to the box of dye)but have been blonde in the past for long periods and got way more attention as a blonde.
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Definitely dark brown on a man. Bad boy style haircut, not too well kept but not dirty either, and never long! Alternatively, very very short (shaved / number 1) can be very sexy.
I have never heard of Blonde Brunette but I am a fan of Blonde Redhead...
I like dark haired men, but to be honest i really dont mind, loads more things come before the colour of his hair. I do like them to have hair though, the shaved look isnt for me.
definately brunette or redhead....not for me the bunnyboiler blonde! :)
I've been most colours and feel my sexiest having black hair. Not in a Goth way mind you, I'm very girly!
love redheads but im not at all fussy really
I prefer my own hair to be red, love it that colour rather than its crappy normal brown!
On guys I'm not too fussy, prefer dark hair but can like blondie's and redhead's too.
im not too fussed what colour hair the guy has, Ive been attracted to lots of different types in the past, my current partner has dark hair and dark eyes
I've been brunette, red and now blonde, I seem to get more attention from the opposite sex, as a blonde, why I dont know, Im still the same person, though my natural colour is brunette.
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blondes are definatley more sexy...........
Dark hair for me and I have black hair, I would make a very unsexy blonde.
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blonde brunette or redhead?

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