Hair is mousey brown with a few grey hairs. Want to 'go blonde', so need a product that will look natural. Don't want the grey bits to turn orange! Any suggestions?
I wouldnt worry about the grey bits turning orange, worry more about the brown.
I would suggest you get high lights (foils)
it will give a more natural look, and the greys will start to blend in, over time you can go lighter & coming winter start to get low lights.
But as already suggested go to the hairdressers & a good 1, i love Toni & Guy, they give you a lovley cut & colour, will cost around �100 thou.
Know someone who dyed his hair from brown to blonde - what's the equivalent of 'mutton as lamb' for a bloke? he looked awful - mid-life crisis I think!
Looks better now it's outgrown & cut again
try asking round your local hairdressers and see if they want models. I used to do this when I coloured my hair. The trainee hairdressers get to practice on you under supervision and you get a cheap hair do. It does take a bit longer as the trainees are slower than fully trained technicians but I used to get a full head weave for �10 which is almost as cheap as a home kit. The trainee is checked and watched at every stage so it is safe.