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brown eyes

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happytohelp | 14:46 Wed 08th Sep 2004 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
hey guys, really want my eys to stand out more, i have brown eyes and a kind of pale complexion, any suggestions for my hair or eyeshadow shades???


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You could become a redhead (or maybe some reddish highlights) and go for a green eyeshadow - try MAC - they have every colour possible. maybe go blond and try some purple on the eyes? You coudl also think about going to a department store and getting a "make over" I am having one tomorrow!
I'm a proffesional hair and make up artist - specify more of the 'look' you are after, how you dress etc. and drop me a line about this at: [Email address removed as per site policy. - AB Editor]and I will try and help you.
Sorry Enola, but one of the rules on Answerbank is that we don't give out personal e-mail addresses.
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thanks enola, tried to email but dont know if it worked so here is is, Hey there, thanks this is really nice of you. Let me see, I would like to stand out a bit more, nothing hugely crazy but I dress usually all in black, baggy kind of rousers, vest top. I have normally brown shoulder length hair, im getting it cut tomorrow, any suggestions?? Thinking layers and a side fringe. It�s a shade of red just now but I really wanted something that would make my eyes stand out more, any thoughts??? Thankyou x
I use black eyeliner for and darkest black mascara with brown eyeshadow...My eyes are brown but for some reason when I do that they seem kind of hazel.
Just replied to the email :) I didn't realise that was a rule...I thought it bleeped it out if it didn't like it and it seems to have no probs with gmail? I find it easier than to keep coming back to every single board I post to.
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hey, not sure if the thing has come through, maybe its cause its a work mail. but cause of rules cant give out my other one, what a pain!!!
I have brown hair and brown eyes, and to make pretty eyes stand out over a rather casual outfit I use a bit of shimmery purple eyeshadow (really any lighter shade will do) over the eyelids only. Accompanied by a medium-thickness line of eyeliner that goes to both corners and a little past the outer edges (but not to the bottom).
Please note that the exchange of personal contact details such as email addresses goes against the terms and conditions of The AnswerBank and any such information will be removed as per site policy
AB Editor thats a stupid rule .
Donkey, think about it. Anyone can log on to this site pretending to be anyone they like - without that 'stupid' rule there would be nothing to stop someone giving someone else's email address out.

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