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bit of a hairstyle change

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bobtheturkey | 21:03 Wed 20th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
the new indoor bowling season is due to start and i thought i would go in with a new hairstyle, i was thinking about the david coverdale in whitesnake look circa 1986, how is this hairstyle achieved? excessive amounts of hairspray?


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bobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb!!! Yay you're here! I feel like I haven't seen you for ages!!!
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hello bobs, i might be killed off ab according to various spoiler forums, apparently whiffey and i drive off a cliff in Thelma and louise fashion
Backcombing has got to be involved to some extent.

From the roots - not the beehive style from the sixties. It can only be achieved by a tortuous procedure involving a 'tail comb' (??) and lots of 'pulling out'.

Do you think they'll prescribe novocaine for that? lol
Ahh, but bob, you do know there's an alternative ending, don't you? ;)
p.s are you Thelma or Louise? I studied that film in Media Studies A-Level, I know it like the back of my hand :)
the david coverdale look only works if you have spindly legs
Oooh Cazzz, bob's aren't spindly, they're dead muscly!!! Apparently :)
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what is in the north east corner of your left hand without looking
the tip of my thumb obviously!!!!
I might give it a go :) x
You'd still look fab Thumbs! :)
By the way, still working on the questions :)
Am passable when im scrubbed up :) x hurry! :) x
Hehehe, you're such a liar!
Ok, ok, don't rush me, genius takes time :)
Are they done yet? :) x
No, I'm out of practice and I want to make sure they're good ones!
Learn some patience woman!!!! ;)
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what are your views on baseball hats thumbalina
get a Michael Bolton one (before he had it chopped)...worst mullet ever
No worse than darts i suppose x i dont do patience Helliebobs! :) x
lol neo, it just looked knotted didnt it
Oooh darts is great Thumbs! I don't do patience either, but I'm learning, bob is teaching me, he's the most patientist man I know!!!!
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yes i am zen like in my patience

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bit of a hairstyle change

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