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white legs

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tazz | 12:31 Wed 03rd Sep 2008 | Beauty
5 Answers
hi guys, we aint had much sun here this summer n i have really white legs. whats best way of fake tanning? please help.x


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Depends on what fake tan you want to use and it also depends on your skin tone.

In the summer I use L'oreal Sublime... says its not sticky, but it is... you just have to leave quite a long time to dry.

Other times I use Boots No 7 - instant tan - ware off. It says that it tans in 2/3 hours....errrm nope. I'd say the colour develops to its maximum in about 10 hours. You can see where this one is applied and helps even it out.

With any fake take, make sure you 'blot' your ankles and knees (apply application) so they are not 'over done' or you could rub in some baby lotion (but be careful not to rub the fake tan off).

I find it is also good to do the whole 'have a shower and a body scrub' - helps to apply the tan and to make sure its less blotchy.

If you want to go for an instant tan that washes off then Rimmel do one specifically for legs.. its quite good (as long as it doesn't rain) and they do an all over one too (be careful as they have two sorts, one of them has a sparkly look about it). Apply both with a 'mit' - you can get the best mit from The BodyShop.

Hope this helps.

Not fake tan - but I use Pretty Polly Bronzed Leg gloss - it's a push-up thingy - (read about it in a magazine) so got it from the internet
l'oreal sublime is very good - its tinted so you can see where it is - and it does go darker after a few hours as well- I think it drys very quick but still wouldnt get dressed for a while- just put an old nightie or something loose on for an hour or so !!!
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thanxt 4 ur answers i will try the subline one. what about salons what they like?x
If you get a 'spray tan' from an salon, be sure that it'll be dark enough for you.

Ask them if they'll re-do the tan for free if its not dark enough.

All I'd say is be prepared for when it starts to come off as the creases of your elbows and backs of your knees will be first and then you have to scrub the rest off. Owchhy.

Some people have said that St Tropez (from a Saloon) is okay, but again, I found that it was not that good. But then I was on holiday and it faded with me going in the pool, etc.

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