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Garnier eye roll on

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mumof3angels | 14:29 Tue 24th Feb 2009 | Beauty
6 Answers
Has anybody tried one of these and are they any good? I'm wondering whether to buy one but I thought I'd ask and see if anyone else has used it.
Thanks mumof3x


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I have and it does a good job. I bought mine in Boots mumof 3.
sorry i didnt see much difference!!!
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Thnx for the replies- I think I might go and try it and see.
I bought it on half price offer at Superdrug about a week ago, so dont know if it still applies. I wouldnt say there is an immediate or noticeable difference, but it feels great while you are applying it - really soothing and refreshing. In fact I think I will get it out and do it now. Novelty and feel good factor a definite thumbs up.
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Thanks for that grasscarp-I'm going to head into town tomorrow and get one.
I found it nice and cooling, didn't make much of a different visibly though.

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Garnier eye roll on

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