Mandimoo. 'Boots Soltan 50+ for Kids' was recommended by the vet for white cats. The parts of cat covered by fur are ok. Its the backs and fronts of the ears, and the the bit below the ears where the ear meets the face where there is no fur, that are the important parts, and the top of the nose. These parts are very prone to skin cancer in white cats. There's a photo somewhere on the net of a cat who had both his ears removed for the problem. He did look strange, but had a lovely face. I do hope you take the good advice offered by some posters, and better still check with the vet. Hope Ghost is doing well. Love Schutz. PS. Where the protection needs to go is in places where they can't lick it off. It will come off as the cat washes itself, and during sunny periods the lotion needs to be renewed each day.