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Jemisa | 11:23 Wed 20th Apr 2011 | Health & Fitness
61 Answers
What health age are you?

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2 years younger than I am, 9 more could be add but no fun
we're the same age Den!
were you born in 1955 then DT ?
70 (75) Blame it on that damn dog, its exercise mad!
yep - as a friend once said of 4 of us, all born in 1955 and discussing the merits of '55 port and wine, "1955 may have been a year of the century for wine and port, but it was a disaster year when it came to babies."
-7 years for me.

Spare Ed
Woohoo - my health is is 6 years younger than my actual age!
better get a younger looking avatar then, mrs o! (lol)
Well done Mrs. O. xx

DT - I agree, I wish sometimes I had never been born (:o(
DT - for all you know my real age might be 93!
Mrs. O. I think Mr. O. looks well fit on your FB page. A young Harrison Ford.....(:0)
Thanks Den. Yours might have added a year...but you look bloody good on it!
Question Author
According to mine I'd better start booking the plot.


Den, I think you need to go to Specsavers! Mr O fit????? rofl
Mrs. O - I know quality when I see it...............(:o)
Thank you - it'll make the old buggers day when I tell him xx
schittt - better write my will; I've only got 2 more years :)
strange , but i dont drink and as i put it in 0 the age went up, how does that work???
My son who is 21 has just entered his details and it came out that he is 15 (I could have told them that without even doing the test).
lol Den - I bet if my eldest (the idiot one) put his details in, his age would come out as 3!

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