There are ways to think about this sale, as you say low mileage, condition, If there are MOTs check the mileage on each Cert, has the car belonged to an elderly person! with respect ( I'm there myself) they can be nursed too much that what Ive found in the past that the car is lazy, has the car been bumped? I & others advise, If you are not well up on the workings of the car, take someone with you that is, 7yr old, the cam belt requires change if a belt, £1000 is not a lot of money these days & what can you get for that money, does the garage sell cars? are they reputable? I doubt there will be a warranty with the car but ask, lastly, if you are suited by the car & you think its worth battering go for it. make sure the car has 12months MOT before you bye.