My mum, aged 85, has had a very bloated stomach for about 4 months now. She is normally about 7 stone, but is now 6 and a half. She thought the worst that she had a stomach tumour as her tum is really hard. She has seen a different GP every time at the surgery. She has also had back pain and pain down her left side. She feels full even when she has eaten very little. They have done an endoscopy and a blood test and nothing showed up. She then had an ultra sound scan and another blood test to look at her ovaries. Again, nothing showed up as wrong. She is waiting to make another appointment with the GP. As she says, she knows she is not normally like this and after all these tests, so far, no-one can say what is actually wrong. Her tum does not go down at all, she looks pregnant but I think we can rule that out. Does anyone have a clue what may be causing this as she is getting more and more worried, even though she is also relieved that tests for various cancers have proved negative. Could this just come with age? It seems very odd.
I get serious bloating along with IBS and have at times looked pregnant. After a bit of research I started taking probiotics in tablet form and I can't stress enough what a difference it has made, no more bloating and IBS pain very minimal if at all. I take the Multibionta one which also has a load of vitamins, they do one for over 50's. They might be worth a try if all the tests have come back negative.
Aged 85 years and losing weight with a distended stomach.
Endoscopy where?....stomach or colon?
Blood test ....cant see the point.
Ultrasound of what? ....abdomen i guess.
It is essential that she is referred immediately to a consultant surgeon.
It has nothing to do with IBS or old age.