For the last 10 days or so have a pinching sensation in right calf muscle, whether sitting or standing. It's localised, doesn't spread and is causing some worry i guess because no idea what's going on.
So I will presume that it doesn't get worse on walking and that there is no swelling of the calf.
In which big deal probably muscular in nature.....Ibuprofen Gel should sort it.
Again...I will presume that you are not taking statins.
sqad no statins and its just in one spot, walking, sitting same, it's odd sensation just comes on goes off comes on again, both ankles are bit swollen,
been like that for a time, thanks for help
What would statins do then sqad? Just curious because of course I am on the top dosage (unfortunately) so I would like to know of any side effects. (Sorry em, hope you don't mind me using your thread).
Hi, I am on a statin 80mg and for a while I have been getting these very sharp pains in the lower half of my leg in the calf muscle. Not all the time but very painful when I do get them. Would this be the type of pain you are talking about Sqad and if so is there anything I can do to stop them. Thanks. Sorry for asking on someone elses thread but just spotted it. may well be, but you need to weigh the discomfort against the value of taking the statins.....if you are worried and the calf pains are a significant discomfort in your life, then see your GP and he may consider changing them.
Sqad this is a discomfort that isn't going away, i am seeing the doc soon for something else, so will mention it, not sure what statins are come to think of it.
ok thanks, i am cutting out lots of items that are high in fat, or at least that is what i was told, to ensure my slightly high, not a big problem, cholesterol level comes down, i wondered at one point if it was a blood clot, but not sure if that hurts or shows up.
Thanks for the reply Sqad. If taking statins, whatever type can cause it then I have not got any choice really as my cholesterol was 11.5 before I went on them and I like to think that I have a healthy diet. Doctor said that as high cholesterol was in family then the diet on it's own would not cause it. So it looks like I will have to put up with the pains.