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fractured vertebra

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seshat | 12:09 Sat 13th Aug 2011 | Health & Fitness
9 Answers

Please can anybody advise me?

I recently sustained a compound fracture of my L1 vertebra in an accident (my husband received worse injuries compound L1 and unstable L5 - however he regularly sees a neurosurgeon). When the accident occurred (22nd June) my injury was overlooked due to the severe pain my husband was in. I was told my injury was muscular. It was only 3 weeks ago when I was referred to hospital for an xray after I told my GP the pain was not getting any better that the fracture was discovered. I saw a consultant who said it was starting to heal nicely so no real treatment was needed and I should just see my GP. I feel that I have only been given vague info as the consultant said it will also probably hurt for around 6 months. Does anybody know how long it takes to get back to work after such an injury? I work in an office sitting at my desk for roughly 8 hours per day and currently it hurts badly after 10 minutes sitting down (I have to then lie flat on the floor!!!)!

Thank you :-).


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I think that you are wouldn't have been a compound fracture, but a simple fracture of L1 probably the transverse process.

Very painful and debilitating.

I cannot say how long it will take to resolve, but for the pain i would suggest at least ibuprofen 600mgms when and if necessary up to three times a day.

I would suggest that you get back to work on a trial and error basis starting in short bursts.

Actual time spans are difficult to judge.
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Thank you so mu ch for your response. I am not an expert on fractures (other than they hurt!) so I do not know what the different types are other than what the doctor told me and that the vertebra is now wedge shaped.

I am going back to the doctors this week (probably tomorrow or Tuesday) and will see what they have to say then.

Thanks again :-).
Thanks for your response and let us know what transpires.
If you haven't already been to your G.P., ask him/her to refer you to physiotherapy for advice on best stretches/exercise/postural management and pain management.
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Will do (to both Squad and campbellking) thanks again for your help :-)
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Just a quick update.

The doctor told me that my actual fracture has healed although it is wedge shaped. The complication with my injury is that I was only informed about the fracture 3 weeks ago and the accident that caused the injury occurred on 22 June (I was told it was muscular at the hospital!). Because of this I had been trying to carry on as normal as I had to physically support my husband when going to hospital (due to his L1 fracture and unstable L5 fracture) and have aggravated the injury.

The doctor told me it would therefore take another month for the pain to start to subside and to continue taking my medication which consists of 500mg Naproxen twice daily, paracetamol (up to 8 tablets daily sometimes substituted by paracetamol and codeine on a night. The doctor has also booked me in for physio which starts tomorrow and has given me a sick note for 2 more weeks. I then have to 'see how I go' and maybe another sick note or phased return to work.

Luckily they have been very understanding at work and have said not to rush back although I am so bored at home I am looking forward to getting back!

Thanks again for your help it is much appreciated :-)
seshat...thanks again for your feedback-much appreciated.
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Just thought I would post an update.

I have been going to hydrotherapy which seems to help but I have only 2 sessions left. I have a sick not which runs out in 2 weeks time then I am due to go back to work on phased return.

My duties at work cannot really be changed but the occupational health therapist said I need to be able to do at least 4 hours a day (I can only sit at a computer for 30 mins top at the moment). Who knows, I may have a miraculous recovery in two weeks lol! :-)

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