Fabby thanks....just read it in a past paper and thought wht the FFFFF lol
So chemo is to basicaly attempt to "shrink" tumor? Yes?
Then double mastectomy to remove tumors or majority of
Then radio to eradicate any remaining cancer cells left over ?
Chemo is intended to stop cancer in it's tracks .. by interfering with the cells DNA. Not so sure about shrinking it .. I would assume that would come with other treatments (but I may be wrong) like 'active agents' (additional or combined treatments)
There is a common thinking that only way to remove all local and regional cancer in this situation is radical mastectomy .. yes.
Adjuvant .. yes. Radio therapy is supposed to be formulated and targeted carefully .. and causes cells to die. These will be absorbed .. albeit slowly.
Thts the exam over! Hope i done ok...i ran out two pens writing LOL and used about 16 pages of paper so finhers crossed?.. I didnt get the topics i hoped for but ive tried xxxx