Squad, I hate to say this but your advice is downright dangerous! My mother, who is nearly 95, has had several falls. On one occasion, before I had met ratter, Mum fell in the lounge and landed on her right side. After the initial shock, she said she was fine, had no pain and asked to be helped up. I said she should stay on the floor and phoned the ambulance. My son, who always thinks he knows best, lifted her up and put her on the sofa, which caused her a lot of pain. I could clearly see that one leg was shorter than the other. The paramedics came and the first thing they said was that she should NOT have been moved, as if her femur or hip were fractured, moving her could cause severe internal bleeding. They did also mention to my son that moving an elderly person who has fallen like this is a huge no-no and can in fact be fatal! When she got to the hospital it turned out that she had indeed fractured the neck of her femur. Several weeks later they also realised she had a bad fracture they had missed in her shoulder. As ratter has already told you, a few years later she did the same on her other side, but this time she was left on the floor until the ambulance arrived and the paramedics said we had done the right thing! So please, I know you are a medical man, but this you have got wrong!