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Not sticky or what I'd say moist in an unusual way.
Not sure if diet related, is pretty samey really as on low fat for gallstones and lost at least a stone since it got infected. Had pretty much the same diet since out of hospital mid Nov, a small coffee to start the day, a ham salad sandwich with saladcream on brown bread for lunch then a wafer thin chicken, tomato and saladcream sandwich/wrap for tea, some cheeky chocolate to keep me going and orange cordial and one or two cups of weak tea with sugar during the day while at work. Weekends I tend to just have something in the evening (yep, another sandwich!), maybe something little in the day to keep me going and coffee.
I'm sure had it a bit before then though when eating more normally though I was eating that kind of stuff before so could be something in my diet, if I can work out what I can cut down/avoid it hopefully.