Likely sentence for common assault (domestic), and 2 breaches of bail. in The AnswerBank: Law
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Likely sentence for common assault (domestic), and 2 breaches of bail.

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Laurenwilson12 | 16:22 Sun 22nd Jan 2012 | Law
6 Answers
Injuries included were 2 black eyes, fractured jaw and brusing. This attack was provoked and somewhat self defence as female used to bully the boy a lot.
Also contacting a witness on two occasions and getting caught by the police, fleeing the country with a witness.
Would the best option be plead guilty or not guilty and wait until trial?
Boy is 17 and currently in remand for breaching conditions of bail.
Sherrif/Magistrate court
From Scotland, please help thanks x
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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oh and some strangulation marks
Not certain about Scotland but here in England this would be GBH either Section 18 or 20. With the witness contact and the fleeing the country a prison term would be a strong possibility. A lot depends on if a weapon was used, and how the weaon was obtained if used.
Sorry, I see you are asking about common assult. I read the injuries and assumed that it was at the GBH level . Are you sure the charge is just common assult ? Again, I am not familiar with Scots law the charges may be diffrent, but what you describe would be GBH in my opinion .
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No weapons were used at all and yes a common assault the procurator fiscal lowered it from a serious assault
Provided the prosecution doesn't negotiate the charge to become 'affray' which here in the UK holds a higher tariff, based only upon what I've assimilated from what has been written, it would be my thought to accept a plea. Insofar as age is concerned, I have every confidence this would not remain a blot on a life's record. There may...and only 'may' be a brief custodial sentence, which the judge might issue in the belief that they could receive much needed counselling - this, in its entirety is not a bad thing although I can understand from the perpetrator's perspective sounds grim, but it allows distancing, reflection, and repair. However, in the absence of this I am equally confident there will be a firm placement of a community service, combined with supervised probation.

I wish you every success in your endeavours.

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Thank you that really did help me!! So do you reckon he will just get community service etc if he pleads guilty or possibly suspended sentence??

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Likely sentence for common assault (domestic), and 2 breaches of bail.

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