re: sore neck in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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re: sore neck

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mrs.pudding | 15:45 Mon 09th May 2005 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
I asked a question about three weeks ago seeking advice for a sore neck.  Lots of you were kind enough to answer and I managed to buy a Tempur pillow on Ebay (still paying off the debt and that was half price!)  It's like sleeping on a brick, weighs a ton, has no "snuggle" factor at all and I hate it.  BUT I go off to sleep in seconds and appear not to know a thing until the alarm goes off.  And my neck does feel better!  I'm now looking for a masseuse on Ebay as well (half-price) but so far, no success.
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oh I am so glad for you mrs.pudding. I did hesitate to add my suggestion to the pot because I know how expensive they are. BUT don't they just work!!!
I have tried almost every type of pillow for my arthritic neck buy not a Tempur pillow.  I am going over to Ebay very soon to look for one.  Thanks Mrs Pudding and Woofgang.  
I went on Ebay, looked at the prices and fainted!!  Oh well, if they really work it is worth the money!
I still swear by my Dunlopillo - since we've had these, my neck hasn't given me any jip - yet!
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A dunlopillow is definitely worth a try.  I did have one but I found it so hot and woke up panting!  I managed to get the tempura for about �45 on Ebay.  A lot of money but about half the official price.
Yes, I found Dunlopillo hot as well.  I have tried those Tempur matresses in the shops and they feel wonderful, so I will definitely be bidding on Ebay soon.   What size did you get Mrs.Pudding?  I notice that there are at least three sizes.

Glad you've got the problem sorted mrs.pudding :)

I recommended the pillow 'cos my mum swears by hers.

I've never found the Dunlopillo too hot!

I use a cotton pillow protector/covers, then cotton mix pillow cases & bedding & find it comfy & cool.

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FP - I went for the Queen Size classic - I didn't want a shaped one as I lie on my stomach in bed and I didn't think it would be very accommodating!
Thanks.  The standard ones looked a bit small!  I will try and get a Queen Sized.

Hi Mrs.pudding.  I have my Queen Size Classic Tempur pillow.  I got it in a Spring sale.  I had a nice lie down on a a Tempur mattress and tried all the different varieties of pillow.  The shaped ones with the 'humps' were all wrong for me and the one like yours was just right!!!     I can't wait to go to bed and it's only 4.22pm.

Thanks woofgang and mrs.P.   I might now be tempted to take out a mortgage for the Mattress!


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Just don't expect too much the first night - as the actress probably said to the bishop.  I still can't believe that this rock can be doing me so much good!  Good luck with it - and the mortgage!

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