Editor's Blog0 min ago
Shoulder pain
17 Answers
A year or so ago my right shoulder started to hurt a bit. Nothing major but when I put my arm behind me to (for example) put on a coat, it hurt. I thought it was probably something to do with the way I sleep (on that side with my shoulder sort of crushed underneath me). I thought it was just an overstretch of the ligaments. Then the left one started to do it so I presumed that was caused by the same problem when I switch sides at night. A few nights ago the pain in the right shoulder woke me up and it`s hurt like mad ever since. I`ve been taking Ibuprofen (more for the inflammation than anything) but it doesn`t really touch the pain. I can lift my arms above my head without any problem. In fact, that`s the least painful position. It really hurts when I put my arm behind me (I couldn`t do my bra strap up this morning as I can`t get my arm round there). The pain is on the outer top muscle radiating up towards the neck. I was just wondering - from where the pain is, do you think it is muscular/a ligament or actually the joint? By the way, I`ve made a big effort to sleep in a different position over the last couple of nights but it hasn`t made any difference.
237SJ...it certainly sounds muscular and may well be supraspinatus tendinitis although it is not usually bilateral.
I agree with the advice of cath.
I agree with the advice of cath.
16:15 Sat 14th Jul 2012
Thanks cath.
Sqad - my grip`s completely normal. No numbness either. No weakness really but just weakness in that it hurts so I can`t lift anything with a sideways lift. My right elbow`s been hurting for a while when I pull my suitcase but I don`t know if that is connected. If I lift my arm out 90 degs, it`s the muscle on the top of the arm where it meets the shoulder that hurts the most. When it`s really bad the pain radiates down the arm a bit and along the shoulderblade towards the neck.
Sqad - my grip`s completely normal. No numbness either. No weakness really but just weakness in that it hurts so I can`t lift anything with a sideways lift. My right elbow`s been hurting for a while when I pull my suitcase but I don`t know if that is connected. If I lift my arm out 90 degs, it`s the muscle on the top of the arm where it meets the shoulder that hurts the most. When it`s really bad the pain radiates down the arm a bit and along the shoulderblade towards the neck.
Thanks sqad. I don`t think I`ll bother with a chiropractor - I don`t have much faith in them. I think it must be from the way I sleep so I might try two pillows so that my shoulder isn`t at such an awkward angle. Trouble is, I snore when I sleep on two pillows! I`ll google the tendonitis. Thanks again.
While you're Googling, Sierra, take a look at Bursitis. Your symptoms sound like an experience I had about 5 years ago. My Dr. (here in the U.S.) diagnosed bursitis and we did a single cortisone injection. He stated that he could only administer the cortisone 3 or 4 times per year, but, amazingly, the pain never returned and I've not had a reocurrence.
Immediately after the injection the pain left but returned (much abated) about 48 hours later and gradually diminished to near zero in about 5 days. Dr. said the cortisone has a mild pain reliever (Lidocaine) mixed in it to provide the quick relief.
Needle looked like something from your worst nightmare but, really, it (the injection) was nearly painless... Best wishes!
Immediately after the injection the pain left but returned (much abated) about 48 hours later and gradually diminished to near zero in about 5 days. Dr. said the cortisone has a mild pain reliever (Lidocaine) mixed in it to provide the quick relief.
Needle looked like something from your worst nightmare but, really, it (the injection) was nearly painless... Best wishes!
An update - the pain`s reduced by about 80% by itself as I have been careful not to fall asleep on that side. There is definitely something going on there though. Either an overstretch of the ligaments due to sleeping position or tendonitis. I can cope with it as it is because it doesn`t impede my lifestyle (swimming etc) but if it flares up again I might think about a cortisone jab. Thanks Clanad. I`m not sure it`s bursitis. It`s the left arm that hurts today though - blOOdy typhoid jabs!
237, I can only endorse what nibble said - after 2 years of no treatment (trying to get back to normal after statin pain, I won't go there) the treatment from the chiropractor really IS making a difference to getting the muscles working again, I can now take my bra off unaided (but not yet do it up at the back, but getting there!) I wish I'd gone earlier, physio made very little difference.