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blood donor

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excelsior-1 | 16:10 Mon 08th Oct 2012 | Health & Fitness
51 Answers
good afternoon folks.

just got back from donating for the 70th time (feel very proud) especially as i have a morbid fear of needles.
the rest of my family did not/do not donate for an assortment of reasons.

it set me wondering ... how many of you good people are blood donors - and what number are you up to?


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It was my target to make at least 100 donations, I managed 76 before medical reasons prevented me continuing. Some where in the house I've got a very nice letter from the transfusion service thanking me for my past donations and wishing me the best for the future.
18:43 Mon 08th Oct 2012
Always meant to but never quite managed it - what is it they say about the path to hell?

Have registered as an organ donor though they can have anything they want when I'm gone
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very good, nungate.
(say hello to queen for me)
Never given blood as I am a big baby although I probably should have done. Can't give any now as I had suspected glandular fever. I am on the bone marrow transplant register although I will have a heart attack if I get called (you have to go on a really strict diet for six months and it's not very pleasant when they harvest the marrow (although it obviously not as horrible as needing a transplant).
Apparently a triple negative which I still don't fully understand
Congratulation excelsior-1, that is an excellent record.

I used to give blood regularly until my wife had kidney failure. I was up to double figures, then because I was putting her on a kidney machine at home three times a week I was not allowed to give blood, I think because of a risk of cross contamination.

But I salute you!
Got a badge for my last one, can't remember what number that was though. I'm due another now but I keep forgetting.
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thank you wiltsman.

sorry about your wife.
I'll do that later Excel, she's out making her Avon delivery - some folks weren't in the first and second time she tried to deliver
I did regularly but they won't take mine now due to health problems and medication. Such a shame as I've give as often as I could otherwise. I do pop in to check now and again just in case they will have it again.

I tried to sign up to the platelet donation when I gave blood but apparently I didn't have enough.
I would love to donate but i've been on and off of iron tablets since I was old enough. I posted on here about it but never managed it :-(
It was my target to make at least 100 donations, I managed 76 before medical reasons prevented me continuing. Some where in the house I've got a very nice letter from the transfusion service thanking me for my past donations and wishing me the best for the future.
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that's a shame paddywak.
however, 76 is a commendable total .. well done to you.
I love all people who give blood but can you all do it at night in future. That would be very helpful to me.


Dracula the vampire from Transalvania.

Seriously though, I have been a blood platelet donor for some years now. You can give every 3 weeks with that option but lay off the fatty foods before donating. See the link below for details:
well done excel !
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hello JonnyBoy.

i looked into platelet donations - but the location is too far away for me, so it was not practical.
however - cudos to uou for doing it.
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why, thank you boxtops.
I must admit excelsior,it's something I've always been quietly proud of and to this day I always wear my lapel badge or tie pin. All the kids in the family donate if they can and I like to think maybe my example has had a little to do with it.
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the gold one (50th) paddywak.

i do too - every time i dress up smart.
When I made my 50th donation they still used the old blue book system and when the girl realised it was a landmark donation she kept my card saying it was SOP. When I asked why she just smiled and said"you'll see" about a week later I received my 50 donation certificate and a nice new gold booklet with a special 50th sticker in it.There were 3-4 of us "gold" members used the same venue and it was often commented on that when we went for a cuppa afterwards the girls always seemed to find some thing a bits special to go with it.
Can I just say something reassuring to all you would-be blood platelet donors? Please do not feel bad about not being able to give these platelets. Only 1 in 5 whole blood donors makes the grade and I was one of the lucky ones who could. You are doing a wonderful thing in giving whole blood and have not given the worst excuse in the world. A lot of people I know say that they are scared of needles but it is only scary the first time in my experience and not a good enough reason for not giving blood.

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