well ive had my tooth out... came out easyish and been given another course of antibiotics for the infection... not any experience i would want again in a hurry but its over with now
she said something about to NOT drink milk or eat any youghurts or dairy?... why is this? and how long not for?
thats what she said.... im petrified of getting dry socket so have only had a tin of soup all day and yesterday only had a slice of toast all day before i had it out, feel like my stomach thinks my throat been cut lol... feel a bit worse for wear as though ive been punched.... unsure as to what foods to eat, was gonna have a pot of abrosia custard but dont know if i should if she said not to eat any dairy or drink milk
I would have thought that yoghurt would be high up in the foods to eat, after having a tooth out - I've had loads of teeth out in the past 18 months and the dentist only ever told me not to have anything hot for a few hours - nothing about no dairy etc.