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fruitsalad | 18:07 Wed 22nd May 2013 | Health & Fitness
43 Answers
is 6 a high cholesterol level?


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I have read this thread with great interest as I am on the highest amount of statins that can be given. (80 mgs simvastatin). Unfortunately for me I have a 'fat tooth' rather than a 'sweet tooth' and find it very difficult to give up eating fats. However, I do try, except for cheese which I like melted. In the past few months I have been drinking those little Flora Pro-activ drinks,one a day, which are supposed to reduce cholesterol and my cholesterol level has gone down from 5.1 to 4.3, so it is possible. My high cholesterol is a familial thing, the whole family fights a continuous battle against it and although you may make little of it if you like, one brother has died at the age of 47 with a heart attack, and another brother has had to have a triple by-pass through it, so the lower I can keep it I think, the better. Still taking the medication.
I remember when the ideal UK goal for cholesterol was 5.2 mmol/ltr and the UK average was 6.4. Now, 5.2 is considered high. I`m not sure that cholesterol has as much importance in respect of heart disease as we have always thought, although I`ll probably be shot down in flames for saying that. I`m sure it has a place but the HDL and LDL levels are more important than the overall figure.
They keep shifting the goal-posts. I rang for my test results earlier this year and was told everything is Ok no need to see a doctor, When I asked what my cholesterol level was I was told it was 6.1. which to me is high. I booked to see the doctor. For years I've taken statins of one sort or another because my level was over 6.0 the GP checked my level until it came down to 5.2 or lower. Low fat diet was recommended. Now I have been prescribed another cholesterol tablet (Bezafibrate) to take with the Ezetimbe tablet I take already, it is bringing the level down, my GP agreed that 6.1 is rather high but if I hadnt asked I wouldn't be taking the extra tablet. The Flora Pro-active drinks do work I had them when I got my cholesterol down a couple of years ago.

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