Crosswords53 mins ago
Emergency Rowing Machine Question!
33 Answers
I've got a York R510 rowing machine selling on eBay which ends in two hours. Someone has asked me if its magnetic or hydraulic. I listed it as magnetic (as I googled the product number and that's what came up on a tesco listing for it) but now I'm really confused and don't know if I've got it wrong.
How can I tell the difference! Pleeeeaassseeee!
How can I tell the difference! Pleeeeaassseeee!
No that bad boy does not have pistons and yes it's magnetic. Wine?
17:50 Mon 17th Jun 2013
The title of your post amused me. I had a picture in my mind of a rowing machine with flashing blue lights on it!
This might help:
http:// www.row ingmach ineking .com/ro wing-ma chine-r esistan ce-type s/
This might help:
It's actually r501, not510.
Can you tell from these pics? I really don't know what I'm looking for..
https:/ /www.go .uk/sea rch?q=y ork+r50 1+rowin g+machi ne& client= safari& amp;hl= en& source= lnms&am p;tbm=i sch& ;sa=X&a mp;ei=_ ki_Ub-m PMS7PaC zgbAB&a mp;ved= 0CAkQ_A UoAA&am p;biw=1 024& ;bih=67 2#biv=i %7C15%3 Bd%7Cgj uOw8IxU dGeGM%3 A
Can you tell from these pics? I really don't know what I'm looking for..
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http:// www.reb elsport /eng/pr oduct/y ork-fit ness-r5 10-rowe r/05090 0762000 4
This site says hydraulic!
When you find out, let us know!
This site says hydraulic!
When you find out, let us know!
sorry to butt in - trigger I saw a book about you today http:// www.abe books.c rvlet/S earchRe sults?b t.x=-49 9&b t.y=-30 8&i sbn=978 1561841 127& ;sts=t
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Blossom54 advertised one as hydraulic:
http:// www.eba /itm/YO RK-R501 -ROWING -MACHIN E-HOME- GYM-EQU IPMENT- /290894 173312? lgeo=1& amp;clk _rvr_id =467981 580562& amp;vec torid=2 29508
So did Turboderbik:
http:// www.eba /itm/Yo rk-R501 -Rowing -Machin e-/2009 0995445 8?pt=UK _SportL eisure_ Exercis eFitnes s_Rower s_JN&am p;hash= item2ec 72a9d9a
and Sxu02swu:
http:// www.eba /itm/Yo rk-R501 -Rowing -Machin e-/2009 0995445 8?pt=UK _SportL eisure_ Exercis eFitnes s_Rower s_JN&am p;hash= item2ec 72a9d9a
The description here is "Straight pull cable rower with hydraulic resistance":
http:// paresto reprice /rowing -machin es/york -r501-r p
So did Turboderbik:
and Sxu02swu:
The description here is "Straight pull cable rower with hydraulic resistance":
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