Lansoprazole was a 'miracle' cure for me.
I used to be in constant agony and drinking gaviscon by the 'gallon'.
When a new doctor prescribed Lansoprazole I nearly laughed in his face. To think a little tablet could cure this fire inside me.
Wow, almost instant relief. Whatever way they work, I only need take one once in a blue moon,now.
Ps. I haven't been paid for this endorsement. ;)
Thanks everyone for the advise. I don't have a Consultant, the hospital just wrote to my G.P to say to prescribe Lansoprazole 30mg a day.
I don't eat anything that's a known cause, and I don't think its related to food as it happens at random times. Hospital said the stomach inflammation has been caused by years of NSAID's.
I don't drink, smoke and my BMI is under 24. I don't eat any rubbish as I only buy healthy food. (I must get a life) :) Thanks for your replies and help. x