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Sqad: The whole story is a long one but six years ago my father's stroke was diagnosed as so severe that he would never walk or talk again...that he would have little understanding of the world and we should think about withdrawing care but we saw signs in him (because we know him) that said to us he wasn't all gone and asked that he be given a chance. Over the coming weeks we had to ask for the 'No Resusitation" to be taken off his notes several times, they kept adding it back. Water was not given to him for five days and food was not forthcoming for several weeks (memory says over four). One morning I loooked at his notes to see that a medication had been administered it had then been crossed out and someone (I presume a doctor) had written 'wrong patient'. Then in big letters across the entire document 'Rewrite these notes'. As I previously explained physio was not given for the entire seven weeks he was in the hospital as he would not sit up straight. Yes, my father is old (he's now 74) and he did lose the use of his arm but once he had been given some rehab he learned to walk again and he was fully aware of his surroundings and could hold conversations with his friends and family...Two weeks ago he cut down a tree in the back garden. He ate well and enjoyed his life. As far as this stroke goes we've yet to see what he can do but have been told that he's out of the acute stage and he's showing signs of recovery, he's moved the arm and leg on his good side, understands what we're saying (following commands appropriately) and has spoken a few words.
We are just trying to work out why it seems to be taking days to feed him (in any way) or give him a consistent amount of water Yesterday his cannula had come out in the morning and was not fitted again until today. in the meantime (and after many requests) he was, last night, finally given water subcutaneously at a very low rate which we were told many days ago was just enough to keep him comfortable not enough to fully hydrate him.
We realise that he may not pull through, all we are asking for is for him to be given a chance to see if he can.
This, along with the other posts I have written doesn't look like good or consistent care to us and that is what I would someone to answer, is it or are we expecting too much of the medical staff?