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Multi Vitamins.

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Georgiesmum | 18:49 Thu 01st Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
Do you believe in taking multi vitamin tablets, on top of your normal diet?


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not required if you are not ill and eat a balanced diet.
Has the doc told you that you have any vitamin deficiencies, Georgiesmum ?.
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No Tony. I was just curious how many people regularly take them regardless of having a normal diet. Millions do i believe.
I started taking a multi vitamin almost 90 days ago, the bottle os nearly empty and so i've bought another today. I've not taken them in the past and i do eat what i think is sufficient healthy food, but i also am working long hours in a busy store and feel at 58 years old i shouldn;t be as busy as i am. That made me think maybe I need a boost to keep going, i have to say I do think it has helped a little bit and I will carry on taking one a day.
As my normal diet is healthy and well balanced I see no need for any supplements.
I also think that i need the extra support for my immune system with my thyroid condition.
Right, I see Georgiesmum.

dot, sanatagen for you then.
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LOL at Tony!
I have to take them following my weighloss surgery. It's in the rules! lol I eat good, healthy food but not enough of it to absorb many nutrients! I am on them for life apparantly :/
Hey vod, have you had that new car ?
Sorry for detracting from the thread, Georgiesmom.
Yes tony.....I am in lurrrrrve! lol I just need more sunny days up here to get me top off! :)
my mum told me to drink sanatagen when i was pregnant! lol
or mackeson.
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No worries Tony x
Tony, calm down, voddie meant the soft top!
lol I just need more sunny days up here to get me top off! :)

I'd like to see that lol.

Seriously glad you lurrrrrve it though.

or mackeson

Mom must have thought that you needed building up, dot.
Thanks Tony xx
I don't feel the need for multi vitamins but I do take an Omega 3 fish oil tablet every day.
A B&C a day does me. lol

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