I noticed a small lump in my armpit on Friday. At first I thought it was a boil but it didn't look red and it appeared to be under the skin as apposed to being part of the top skin layer as it didn't move with the skin. I could also see it protruding slightly in the mirror.
I've been quite worried about it since I first found it but it seems to be getting smaller and I can't see it protruding in the mirror anymore. I was going to book an appointment to get it checked out but as its getting smaller I don't know what to do.
Any advise please? Should I still got to my GP or should I wait and see if it disappears?
Thanks both, I'll ring up tomorrow for an appointment which I probably won't get for over a week knowing my Surgery. Hopefully by then it will completely disappear :o)
It is better to consult a doctor. Who knows whether or not it will come again! My sister had a similar lump on the side of neck and we consulted a local doctor. He gave some prescription, but had no use. Finally, we consulted another doctor who sent us to a plastic surgeon Dr. Huge McLean for fat removal. Through liposuction, it was removed!