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Odd Leg Sensation !

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mayennaise | 16:24 Mon 21st Oct 2013 | Health & Fitness
5 Answers
I've been having a bit of back trouble over the last week - bit like an electric shock radiating out from just above my bum cheeks - that comes and goes and only lasts for seconds but I've also notice a weird sensation at the front and slightly to the left of my left shin! It feels a little like pins and needles but fuzzier - do you think the two could be connected ? ?


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\\It feels a little like pins and needles but fuzzier - do you think the two could be connected ? ?\\\

Pressure on nerves gives all kinds of sensations....pain, ache, pins and needles, hot tingling feeling. So, yes, could well be connected.
Sounds like Sciatica to me, I used to have the same.
Had the same symptoms ten years ago. Did nothing about it for 6 months, as it gradually got worse. After several visits to the doctors and osteopaths I went private as I was now finding it difficult to walk. A scan revealed two slipped discs, which involved having a spinal decompression. Still suffering 10 years on.
So see a doctor asap, don't put it off like I did.
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oh blimey - now I'm scared !! Best make an appointment at the docs - thanks all.

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Odd Leg Sensation !

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