She may be jealous but I think she just likes to dominate someone who is soft-hearted and nice. Ask yourself - What do I get out of this friendship? If the answer is Nothing but grief and put-downs, then this is no friendship and just because you have known her a long time does not obligate you to continue to be her friend.
Find a fancy dress "do" that's on, on Saturday evening - there will be plenty it being Halloween time and pluck up the courage to go. Is there someone else who will go with you? if not, go on your own and mingle. It's easy when you're in a fancy dress costume because somehow you are playing a part and you don't have to be shy.
Well done on giving up the drink. Your friend sounds like she is probably annoyed or jealous that you did and maybe will try to get you back to her level of drinking. That's the best reason to stay clear of her. Text and say you are busy Saturday. You don't have to give a reason, but if she insists and you cave in, meeting up with an old school or work mate usually works and NO she cannot come too.
Personally I would block her calls and texts after this. You may get a bit of grief, but just say that you are moving on and don't wish to be around drink AT ALL. This needn't be true but it's a good excuse.
I wish you well in this. Been there myself cos I'm a big softy too and can sort out others' problems - mine I find it hard to be hard but I found out after 40 years of close friendship that my best friend had been using me all that time. Everyone saw it but me. It was hard to let it go, but I see now I'm much better without her and realise now how much I was used and that I got not much out of the friendship but control and criticism.
All the best, take care, and think about what YOU want for a change