Hello :)
Just wondered if anyone has any experience of pcos and getting pregnant successfully?
I'm 34 and not been actively trying but we will be thinking about it in the new year.
I have regular periods (like clockwork!) and I'm over a week late now which isn't really making me think anything as every so often my periods seem to readjust. I have symptoms of ovulating and have lost 3 stone in the last year
I do have excess hair growth and just feel really down today about it all. Really really weepy and upset this afternoon as I heard about a close family member being pregnant...obviously I'm happy but it's made me google (never a good idea!) and my head is muddled about my chances and it's made me feel horrible :(
I'm planning on going to see my doctor in the new year but just wondered if anyone had some kind words for me x
I have polycystic ovaries and 4 children, if that's any help? Was told by doctor it might take ten years to conceive, if i did at all. Had first child within a year of that.
Thanks to you both :) I had a look at the other stories and now I read you have 4 children I definitely feel a bit more positive :) I shouldn't google things really, I need to take each day as it comes and not stress so much (I'm a naturally stressy person!)
Thanks for your replies :)