Spotty Again :(
Seems that I seem to have a thing for rashes!
I've had another outbreak of spots, small like a little blistery spot and red. They are in clumps but more spread out this time though and have been coming up over the last week or so.
I have some dotted about on my arms, upper and lower and round my wrists (which is good as no worry about shingles!), back of my knees, few on my main body and they can get a bit irritable but not itchy all the time.
I'm wondering if it could be the methotrexate, I think I have been on it a few times at least with these rashes. My white cell count is still raised and higher than it was about 3 weeks ago on last bloods, my lymphs are still up (not sure if still atypical) and my neutrophils are up now too (9. something I think), similar to other rashes. Not been told to stop the methotrexate so still taking it. Feeling a bit rubbish though so maybe some virus or something.
On a better note though, my inflammatory markers are both down considerably :)
Any ideas welcome on the rash though. Have got a pic of some of the ones round my wrist but having issues with tinypic and imageshack have changed to having to upgrade your account! Will see if I can find another one though.