Important question is when someone in our society or in our family or our friends and any one who are facing Cervical cancer…what thing first comes in her or his mind…or they first to consult with the doctors?
What kind of preventive step they are taken?And what kind of awareness or knowledge they have required for Cervical cancer?
I was diagnosed in my mid thirties following a routine smear test. A Radical Hysterectomy followed and luckily I had caught it early and only needed monitoring with vault smear tests.
I can still remember the date & time of the appointment & also the words of the doctor. "You have cancer, do you understand that is a disease that could eventually kill you if we do not treat you"
Nowadays girls get jabs as a preventative measure. My daughter (who is 21 now) had them when she was in the last year of senior school/college.
From my now understanding it is in all of us just flares up in some & not others. There was a website a few years ago called but I could not find it when I looked just now.
The only preventions I'm aware of are- never have sex and no smoking (not guaranteed, though). There are vaccinations now, which reduce the chances. I believe it's picked up more often through routine smear tests than symptoms, but they can include pain during sex and unusual bleeding patterns. But you wouldn't wait for symptoms before having a test. The treatment will depend on the severity of cancer.