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Broken Tooth

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oneinam | 03:46 Fri 16th May 2014 | Health & Fitness
21 Answers
Where is the best place to repair a chipped 33% front tooth?


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At your dentist ! It's hardly a DIY task !
?Dentist..........just a guess.
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Tooth fairy of course ?
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33% of the front teeth has broken off.

Don't waste time with the dentist answer.
What other option do you have? You can't pop into boots and buy 33% of a tooth, take it home and glue it on....

As far as I know oneinam, a Dentist is the only person who will do it, so sorry to waste your time!
Is it your own or a denture?
Call me weird but I think a chipped front tooth is quite attractive
^^ your weird lol
You mean - a dentist where you can walk in, get it done immediately and for free.

try internet.

You should phone - yellow pages are useful - and offer to pay to get anywhere near one. and yes today
Where were you thinking we might suggest?
f you want free emergency treatment then try googling ' Emergency Dental Access Centre' for your area.
DON'T go to A+E they dont have dentists there
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Portland Cement Company?
How rude is the don't waste time with dentists response? What an ingrate!
If it's a false tooth then a dental technician might help.
But you don't go direct to a dental technician. He works for the dentist. Poster doesn't want to have the obvious answer of a dentist!
I can't wait to see the correct answer!

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