Quizzes & Puzzles8 mins ago
Remember Me? Supratentorial Origin
23 Answers
hello everyone. some of you might remember me posting last year. I had finger problems & the specialist hinted (well, stated in his letter) that this might be of Supratentorial origin. Well, after I had the surgery & lots & lots of physio, my hand/fingers were progressing well until January this year. On two occasions the middle & ring fingers went black on two separate occasions & then a few days later the same two fingers (and the same that I had previously had surgery on) locked down again early in February. I have been like this since! I have seen the consultants in the hand clinic & they were baffled especially when I showed them a picture of my black fingers. I then had to wait to see the specialist who operated & he decided to request an MRI scan to find out exactly what is going on in there. I had this 10 days ago & awaiting an appt to come through to see him again but the letter he wrote to my GP once again said he still thought this could be a supratentorial problem so not happy! I am popping two links below & hope they work. First one - my fingers locked down & unable to straighten & second one: my fingers when they went black for the second time in January this year.
http:// i39.ser vimg.co m/u/f39 /18/72/ 39/48/0 1510.jp g
http:// i39.ser vimg.co m/u/f39 /18/72/ 39/48/b lack_10 .jpg
Some information here- http://lookf ordiagnosis. com/faq.php? term=Trigger +Finger+Diso rder&lang=1& amp;from=20
21:13 Tue 03rd Jun 2014
Some information here- http:// lookfor diagnos is.com/ faq.php ?term=T rigger+ Finger+ Disorde r&l ang=1&a mp;from =20
well, I believed "supratenorial" meaning was that the condition was in my mind! I cannot believe this is the case. 1) why when I am asleep my fingers do not straighten 2) when I had minor surgery with a general anaesthetic my fingers remained lockeed 3) the pain I am experiencing with them locked down is not something that I would wish on anyone & do worry about my fingers being like this now for 4 months 4) why on earth did they go black? I was indoors when it happened both times
Ah- i thought it meant caused by the brain, which sounds perfectly possible. The blackness is the lack of circulation while they are stuck. They aren't suggesting it's voluntary or made up. Maybe something to do with electrical impulses/nerves or something. Have a look at the link above...what do you think?
PIXIE. my fingers went black before they locked down this time - they were perfectly straight & the blackness happened twice a few days apart. When it happened the first time, the blackness lasted about 10 minutes but the second time (when I took the pictures) it lasted well over an hour. When I returned to the hospital on 27th February this year & showed them the pics, they sent me for an ultrasound scan as they too thought it could be a circulation problem but no, it appears that showed no problem with blood vessels/supply of blood to them. I just hope the MRI scan will show the problem & they can sort it out once & for all but goodness knows how long I am going to have to wait to see the consultant again for the results. Going off now to look at your link Pixie. Thanks to SQAD for your comments
I get blue finger tips due to poor blood circulating. Doc sait it was Reynauds. This pic shows white fingers but they soon turn blue.
http:// en.m.wi kipedia .org/wi ki/Rayn aud's_p henomen on
I know someone who's just had surgery for something very similar...though I don't know if they had the blackened fingers. I don't know the name of the condition
(sorry!),but apparently its hereditary,and causes the fingers to curl in on themselves.. I recognised it because of the strange lumps/bumps on the palm of your hand.
This person is a volunteer I work with...her husband gave me most of the info,and apparently he has it too...not so advanced though...and he showed me the palms of his hands with the same tell tale bumps.
Wish I could give more info,and I don't expect to see either of these people until next week at the earliest.
(sorry!),but apparently its hereditary,and causes the fingers to curl in on themselves.. I recognised it because of the strange lumps/bumps on the palm of your hand.
This person is a volunteer I work with...her husband gave me most of the info,and apparently he has it too...not so advanced though...and he showed me the palms of his hands with the same tell tale bumps.
Wish I could give more info,and I don't expect to see either of these people until next week at the earliest.
This rings a bell...dupuytrens contracture...though it seems a specialist would/should know about this.
http:// www.eve rydayhe alth.co m/healt h-repor t/dupuy trens-c ontract ure-pic tures/f acts-an d-tips- for-dup uytrens -contra cture.a spx#/sl ide-1