would ask it anyway, a few years ago I had shingles on my head. And ever since if it is hot or I get hot I get a very itchy head and it sometimes feels like bumps or spots. It is driving me mad at the moment. The doctor told me to use Selsun shampoo after my shingles as my scalp had gone dry . It is fine for a while then it starts itching again. I hate the smell of the Selsun shampoo so try to not use it too often. Any idea why this all started with shingle.?
Is it to do with the itchy scales? - it must be horrid to have them in your hair. Not sure if it's similar to dandruff in that respect - when my head feels itchy, I use T-Gel shampoo. It stinks but it's very good stuff.
Thankyou boxtops. I know my hairdressers says there is sometime dry skin on my head that is red but I dont know what makes the lumps come up.It feels almost like hives.?
Have been using the selsun over the past week but although it is better it still itches. I hate keep scratching my head as people will think I have got nits.!
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Do you know the answer?
This Is Something That Has Been Going On For A While Now But I Thought I