Quizzes & Puzzles22 mins ago
Mobility Aids
13 Answers
I am looking for something to help my mum be more mobile and independent. Her illness has lead to a loss of mobility, and she has trouble standing from a sitting position. I was looking for a raising armchair, but they are too expensive. I found this chair riser, though.
http:// www.act ivemobi lity.co .uk/ris e-recli ne-chai rs-c223 _32_262 /chair- riser-s tand-ea sy-p-20 12.html
Does anyone have experience of using something like this? Is it any good? Any other advice on the subject would be gratefully received.
Does anyone have experience of using something like this? Is it any good? Any other advice on the subject would be gratefully received.
http://www.e ssentialaids .com/mobilit y/rising-sea ts-aids/upea sy-powered-l ifting-cushi on.html the problem with yours is that it relies on you having the strength to pull yourself up
18:30 Fri 15th Aug 2014
http:// www.ess entiala ids.com /mobili ty/risi ng-seat s-aids/ upeasy- powered -liftin g-cushi on.html
the problem with yours is that it relies on you having the strength to pull yourself up
the problem with yours is that it relies on you having the strength to pull yourself up
It`s worth looking for second hand or reconditioned riser recliners. I got a new riser recliner for my Mum (she doesn`t use the riser part - typical) but there was one on our work classified ads for £65. Apparently they have a very low resale value. You just need to make sure you get a professional to deliver it because they have to be taken apart and reconstructed upon delivery. You can save yourself a lot of money though.
thats a good idea - never though of 2nd hand http:// www.eba y.co.uk /sch/i. html?_f rom=R40 &_t rksid=p 2050601 .m570.l 1311.R1 .TR12.T RC2.A0. H0.Xris er+recl iner&am p;_nkw= riser+r ecliner +chair& amp;_sa cat=0
If standing really is an issue then a rise and recline chair is great. You probably need some input from the independent living team's physios and OTs. They don't like rise and reclines if it can be helped though because "once you don't use it, you lose it".... if she sits in a high back arm chair with wooden legs, you can get comparatively cheaper leg raisers. |The ideal part of this is that she would be more like to maintain her current level of mobility.